Thursday, July 20, 2006
Indeed Indonesia is a strong country.....or was?
Maybe a lot of people don't know where Indonesia is. Indonesia is one from many countries which are located in the south east asia. It is a neighbour from Malaysia and Singapore, two countries which are maybe more famous, at least for their business section and technology. In this couple of days, maybe the world start to recognize and hear where, what, who Indonesia is and what has happened there. But good news and bad news always come together. In this couple of days, or I can broad it up to this couple of months a lot of things have happened back there in Indonesia. Disasters, disagreements but thanks God there is also achievement. Since Desember 2004 disasters has been a very good accompany for my country. Tsunami everywhere, in Aceh and in Nias and recently just happened in Pangandaran, West Java. Hundred thousands people died by this accident. Life seems no meaning anymore. After that happened also a great earthquake in Yogyakarta, a place which has been years or maybe decades that never had any disaster until this year. One disaster was not enough there, the volcano erruption seems also wanted to be a part of Indonesian history this year. Not enough with those, another disater came also into the capital city, Jakarta. An quite big earthquake shake the city for a coople of seconds, with the central located in the sea, it that mean there will be another tsunami coming by? noone knows that. Not mentioning also the activity of the terorist that once again bombed the Bali island for the second time. I guess that my country has done a very big sin so even God has tried to wake us up. But in between the bad things, always come a breeze of wind that brings freshness. 4 talented students from Indonesia won 3 gold medals and one silver medal in the International Physics Competition which was held in Singapore. This brings a little colour for the world about Indonesia. Without big notice from the government they have made the flag of Indonesia was being presented in the first place between 84 countries with 386 participants. What a very very astonishing achievment. Not only that, the miss universe also bring some heat to the name of Indonesia. It has been two years now that Indonesia send its representative to the miss universe contest, and the result was not even dissapointing. Last representative stayed in the big 15 and this year there will be a better hope. But so so so dissaponted, that the mentality of the Indonesian citizen and government. Indonesia was a great country in the past, just consider, who didn't know the name of Soekarno, our first president. He was working along with other great guys of the world in that era, Jawaharal Nehru, Nelson Mandela, Anwar Sadad and I believe many more still exist. He brought the independency for Indonesia, and he always stated that we are a strong and rich country, we may bow our head for the west so easily. The richness of our motherland is another part of the story, I myself as an Indonesian citizen so proud with my land, it has so many resources, land, see, air, jungle, oil, gas, gold, pearl, animals, etc. What that we don't have, we have all of them. But so pity all of our glory in the past and all of this recource can't be used maximal, even it has been put way down under the ground. The citizen, the government nowadays are not concerning important things, they only see some simple things which shouldn't be given a very big attention. The presence of Indonesia in the miss Universe with the swimsuits, the way that the government should rule in which dress we should perform, while we may not dress so sexy, otherwise the rule will strain them, the demand to close the playboy magazine in Indonesia These are some examples of a very not important things that the government concerns. Why should we concern about a lady from Indonesia that is using a swimsuit, because Indonesia afraid with the thought of other country, I think that it is more ashame of our other reputation , we stay in the world 3rd number of corrupted country in the world. This is more more shameful compare to that miss universe thing. There are other important things that the government should take care, the economic, the technology, aducation and everthing else that make this country to be stand straight once again. To bring some proud to the world and stand bravely in between great other countries. Hmm no one knows when this time will arrive, but at least it should start from myself as one of the source of this improvement. And I hope that I can manage to handle it and also all others that admit Indonesian as their citizenship to be the start in making this valuable country stand again and race for the glory.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Weinachten und Sylvester in Belgien
Mein Urlaub in Belgien
Ich möchte über meinen Urlaub berichten. Im Dezember bin ich nach Belgien gefahren. Ich habe meinen Freund , der in Leuven Universität studiert, besucht. Es war eine gute Erfahrung. Aber die Reise war nicht wie ich schon geplannt habe. Zuerst hatte ich vor, nur 5 Tagen in Belgien zu bleiben. Aber wegen der Schnee musste ich dort 10 Tagen bleiben.
Mein Freund ist seit 1 Jahre in Belgien geblieben. Er war mein Kommilitone an der Uni. Ich habe ihm seit 6 Jahre kennengelernt. Zuerst wollte ich nicht nach Belgien gehen, aber er hat
Am 28. 12 sind wir halbe Stunde nach einer schonen Stadt,
Endlich habe ich die Fahrkarte bekommen, und ich konnte am 4.Januar mit dem Bus zurück fahren. Unterwegs haben die Polizei unsere Reisepass kontrolliert. Am 5. Januar war ich schon in Hamburg, und das war das Ende meines schönen Urlaubs.